ROWter - Terms of Use
To register you must be over 18 years of age.
ROWter are not responsible for any losses financial or otherwise as a result of using our system.
If you think anyone is abusing the system or using it inappropriately please Contact Us.
ROWter Data Policy
ROWter is owned by
JXWDNew General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force in the UK on 25th May 2018. We value your privacy and want you to understand the choices and control you have over the information provided to ROWter.
We process personal information to help with administration purposes and the running of the site. The information you provide us, namely on the registration form, is stored on our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 2018.
Who is responsible for managing my information?
ROWter and it‘s employees have access to the membership database. We keep this limited to only those who really need to view it. Your email address and mobile phone number will be used for club messages and notifications but not visible to other club members except an appointed club Super Administrator. To find out who this is in your club please
contact us.The super administrator can change your details and is responsible for enabling a member so that they can use the system after registration. Non enabled members can not see any pages in the website other than their own details.
What Information do we collect?
We store your name, phone number, email address, DOB etc. A registered account may register dependents. Dependent data is name and age and rowing prefrences. Junior details are stored as a dependent and must be registered by an adult.
How we use your information
- To display when you are in a boat and your position preferences
- To send you reminders and club messages by text or email
- To send you updates on service
- For help and support
- To evaluate if you are Junior or Adult
- A password for your login - use a unique password for this system in case of data breach
Where is the information kept
We use secure servers inside the EEA (in England) and SSL encrypted data transfer. No technology is infalible, but we keep to the industry norm for secure data transfer and storage.
Who will we share your information with?
We will not share your information with any third parties outside of your club members and the hosting company
How long will we hold your information for?
In line with the Data Protection Act, we store all information for 6 years.
How can you access and update your information?
You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you and also to have it erased. If you would like a copy of your personal information please
contact us