Please call 01202 315 437 if you have any feature ideas, issues, feedback or just for a chat!
Or email us using Support
About ROWter - Rowing Club Management Software
ROWter was conceived by the Chairman of Swanage Sea Rowing Club and developed by JXWD
To read about the functionality of ROWter see Help page
To read what some of our customers say about ROWter see Testimonials
Groupspaces Alternative
Groupspaces are closing on 2nd April. ROWter offers custom solution which is a far better fit for your rowing needs.
ROWter is free for a 3 month trial. Register Club to setup a free trial for your club.
£5 per month if you add our logo and short description to the homepage of your website or £10 without. We intend to keep these fees permanently low with no change for a minimum of 5 years.
Release History
V1.000 27/04/2018
First usable, stable version of the site with all timeline features
V1.010 30/04/2018
Enable Activity Name field to be changed in update form - even when boat has members in it
Block edits before today
Add start time: date field to boat edit form, boats can now span more than one day
Fix delete available times button on mobile view
Add login cookie
Calendar configured for any year
Update Help Page to reflect current functionality and look
V1.020 17/05/2018
New file structure to better manage version history - and to force file cache update for each new release
Small changes to home, about and help pages
V1.030 23/05/2018
Users can now switch to dependents they have added and act on their behalf
All clubs Super Admin get an email notification on registration (to remind to enable account)
Security increased on session id for internal actions
Regression suite is now release version specific
Update CSS to fix Help Page image widths on mobile view
Text to highlight user available times were set in order left to right
Updated terms of use and privacy statement
V1.031 31/05/2018
Rebuild Header section
V1.040 21/07/2018
Replace PHP mail() command with SMTP mailer.
Enhance RSA encryption
Change data structure of stored messages for coming messages page (messages duplicated for each user for unique read / delete flags)
Add contact form
V1.050 20/09/2018
Opt in option on sign up
Add lock boat - disable deleting and adding rowers to a boat
Add stats page to calendar section
Messaging Centre - Currently Hidden - (in preparation for Message Alerts App) people can message anyone in a specified group - users can join a messaging group
V1.051 21/09/2018
Lock boat - removed - member can add feature modified to member can only add or remove themselves
V1.061 06/03/2019
Added scrolling per week page
Added Today button
Duplicate boats (every week)
Improved session variable monitoring to include club_id
Improved timing settings checks
V1.070 03/04/2019
Duplicate availability feature added
Multiple availability on refresh scenario removed
Impoved partitioning of lib files for future development
V1.080 21/05/2019
This is considered the first fully commercial release - the system can now be fully administered by club Super Admin (with later additions, after feedback V1.081)
Manage resources (boats) list
Unsubscribe alerts Link in alerts email
Delete my account function
Super Admin - enable members feature fully implemented
Super Admin club Activities Widget (to automatically display events booked on your website)
V1.081 17/06/2019
Super Admin can manage admins
Super Admin can upload club logo
Super Admin can limit the number of rows per member in a specified time period
Super Admin Your Club’s week’s activity Widget - for your website to engage your members
Calendar Widget
Rower Button has CPGA category
V1.088 02/08/2019
App interface
Simple Messaging Center - to be Expanded in future
V1.090 17/09/2019
Boat reserve list
V1.091 20/01/2020
GIGRota to ROWter
V1.092 07/02/2020
Rewrite code to reduce post size while editing admins (max_input_vars also increased)
V1.093 10/09/2020
Add COVID-19 tracking stats
V1.100 22/10/2020 (Major new relase - New messaging center)
Configurable registration form
Club groups (set up by admin and chosen by members on registration or update details)
Confirm email sign up (there has been a few typos) - now addressed during enable stage
New database structure for messages and alerts
New messaging center
Improve button design to make less platform dependant
Improve event selection (defaults to current event if on selected day)
V1.105 22/10/2020
Advanced session management
Improve hyperlinks
Register Club form (has logo, number of rowers, contact details, established...)
Automated sanity checks
V1.200 14/12/2020 (Major new relase - Configurable boat sizes, Multiple Calendars)
Calendar types - now you can have multiple Calendars of any name for example - Social calendar, Equipment Calendar or Staff Calendars (the default is water)
Configurable resources: Size, Sculling, Bow Rigged, Rigged Stroke Side, Spaces (club house, bar etc) and Objects (oars, radios etc) - A resource is set to appear in a specific Calendar
Widgets upgraded to include Calendar types
Data Structure changes. Tables are now all seperate for each club - to enhance performance
User specific site version - development tool
Trailer Driver and Steerer added to registration
British Rowing age categories added to rower tile
V1.203 01/02/2021
Member Admin form - for setting member groups
Tabed display for Events page
Help Video - Registering and updating user details.
Future Features
Any suggestions, requests, bugs please email us Support or call 01202 315 437 ⁄ 01202 315 437
Message all of the current days events
Admin can Register Members
Website alerts via socket
Animate user and error messages
Page Fade
Rower Button Pure CSS
Outlook calendar interface
Stats - Coxing sessions, Logins, Availability / month - CPGA spreadsheet
ROWter introduction video (use Zoom to video PC activity)
ROWter advanced video (use Zoom to video PC activity)
ROWter Super User video (use Zoom to video PC activity)